Import of used vehicles to Republic of Serbia is being regulated by regulation on the import of used cars Official Gazette RS no.23/2010. By this regulation all vehicles, lorries and busses that belongs to "M" and "N" category, can be imported only if they meet the "Euro3" norm. Along with this regulation we apply strictly regulated rule book on vehicles and trailer vehicles that are being imported, according to which importing vehicles are obliged to pass a check in order to obtain the recertification of standards. Certified companies such as "AMSS", Vinča Insitute, or Faculty of mechanical engineering are conducting the testing, while other kinds of vehicles do the technical evaluation before customs.
Documentation needed for import depends on the vehicle and the country of export. Essential documents are:
- Power of attorney if the vehicle is being imported by another person
- registration license,
- Notary approved original of a bill or sale's contract
- Service book.
Vehicles produced in EU and are being exported from EU, need export declaration and "EUR1" certificate so other customs' fees regulated between Serbia and EU, can be reduced.
Import procedure begins at Republic of Serbia border, where essential documentation is handed to spedition personel, who further conducts the transit documentation and refers it to responding customs department, that executes the customs.
On arrival to the assigned customs department, documentation is being handed to spedition personel, and prior to entering the customs warehouse the vehicle is sent off to a technical check for its chassis and motor no. reading. After these readings, vehicle is being parked in customs warehouse, where it stays until the end of customs process. Customs process lasts up to a few working days. Customs begin in the manner that spedition announce their vehicle arrival and hands to customs its custom's declaration, that consists of all the essential documentation. Customs conduct their check on handed documentation and their certification authenticity. On customs request, the importer is obliged to hand out all required documentation, such as: translation of a bill, driver's licence along with the notary stamp, Vehicle brand franchisor's confirmation letter, etc. When the customs check is done, they form a board on vehicle value evaluation. Value evaluations relates to existing prices from "AMSS'" catalogue, prices form www and information base of Customs administration. If the average pricing for the imported vehicle is higher from the price noted on the bill or sales agreement, the pricing is being done by the co-responding price rate, usually higher price, all according to active transport and custom fees and VAT. Process is finished by paying all the assigned expenses. Next is technical check and registration. View Registration expenses here
Expenses inculde, custom fees, vat, spedition and stowage. Range of prices depends on the country of export. Prices of packages, equipment etc. that you filled up on our questionnarie, will help us make an offer for. It is essential that you contact us, so we could get introduced to all the possible expenses. It is obligatory to have a meeting prior to our first imoprt colaboration, during which you will leave a small pre payment after we make a full claclulation of possible custom prices. The rest comes after finishing all the customs services.